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Recommendations for preventing novel coronavirus infection

2020.01.31(금) 11:47:08 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

Recommendations for preventing novel coronavirus infection

▲ Recommendations for preventing novel coronavirus infection

Wash your hands with soap and water especially your palms and under your fingernails

▲ Wash your hands with soap and water especially your palms and under your fingernails 

Cover your mouth with your sleeve when coughing!

▲ Cover your mouth with your sleeve when coughing!

Wear a mask when visiting health facilities with respiratory symptoms

▲ Wear a mask when visiting health facilities with respiratory symptoms

Inform your travel history to medical staff when visiting health facilities

▲ Inform your travel history to medical staff when visiting health facilities

KCDC call center at 1339 If you have a fever and respiratory symptoms

▲ KCDC call center at 1339 If you have a fever and respiratory symptoms

Recommendations for preventing novel coronavirus infection

Wash your hands with soap and water
especially your palms and under your fingernails

Cover your mouth with your sleeve when coughing!

Wear a mask when visiting health facilities with respiratory symptoms

Inform your travel history to medical staff when visiting health facilities

KCDC call center at 1339 If you have a fever and respiratory symptoms

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