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Exports of premium Chungcheongnam-do strawberries exceed $1 million

Recorded $1.15 million in exports to Hong Kong and other countries from Dec. to Feb.

2018.07.06(금) 10:22:30 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

Shipment for Nonsan Strawberry, Chungcheongnam-do's specialty produce, to celebrate exports of $1.15 million

▲ Shipment for Nonsan Strawberry, Chungcheongnam-do's specialty produce, to celebrate exports of $1.15 million

Nonsan Strawberry, a local specialty of Chungcheongnam-do, recorded exports of $1.15 million, and thus exceeded the $1 million mark this year. On the 29th, Chungcheongnam-do announced that a joint farming association center of Nonsan-si, held a forwarding ceremony in celebration of the accomplishment to record Nonsan Strawberry exports of $1.15 million.

According to the Korea Customs Service, Chungcheongnam-do recorded exports of $1.15 million for strawberries in only three months from December of last year to February of this year, such as by exporting 102 tons of strawberries to Hong Kong.

Chungcheongnam-do's strawberry exports, which reached $5,000 in 2011, has been continuously increasing to $122,000 in 2016, $567,000 in 2017 and $715,000 this year.

Exports of $1.15 million from December of last year to February of this year is close to the amount of the top five export items of Chungcheongnam-do that include pears ($20.7 million), chestnuts ($6.7 million), napa cabbage ($1.22 million) and cymbidium ($1.2 million). As such, strawberries are expected to contribute to improving farmhouse income and maintain fair domestic prices through the exports of fresh agricultural products in the future.

This is analyzed to be a result of the provincial government's policy to support the systemization of exporting farms, participation in overseas fairs and export contracts in addition to the efforts of strawberry farms in the province to improve product quality.

Chungcheongnam-do designated Sangwol Agricultural Cooperative of Nonsan as an export leading farm and supported the systemization of strawberry exporting farmhouses. In addition, it supported export contracts with local buyers by participating in Asia Fruit Logistica held in Hong Kong in September of last year.

Together with the joint farming association of Nonsan-si, Chungcheongnam-do will strategically export Seolhyang until February and start exporting firmer varieties, such as Sukhyang, after February, and thus establish a stable base for exports by April.

“With the accomplishment to record $1.15 million in exports as momentum, we hope that Chungcheongnam-do's strawberries will develop into a promising export item in the future,” said Lee In-beom, Director of Agricultural Produce Distribution Division. “We will continuously provide active support in systemizing exporting farms and resolving non-tariff barriers, such as those caused by quarantine that is necessary in the course of exporting, and will also dedicate efforts to diversifying the export market.”

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