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Blue Crab a leading local food of Taean

2015.07.02(목) 11:36:20 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

Braised blue crab

▲ Braised blue crab

Recently, Blue Crab catch has increased in Taean-gun. Every day, 30 ~ 40 boats go out fishing from each port and catch 15-20 tons of blue crabs.

Blue crabs are most delicious in spring. Restaurants see their business flourishing with the sharp increase in the number of tourists coupled with the increase in blue crab catch. Female crabs full of eggs are tastiest in spring, whereas male crabs full of meat are the best in fall.

In the country, most of the blue crabs are caught in the West Sea. Those caught near the Taean Peninsula are particularly tasty.

Blue crabs caught in the sea off the Taean Peninsula are known to be effective in lowering cholesterol and removing heavy metal from the body. Tourists visit the area to enjoy the solid meat of the crabs, which are fat and full of meat.

Unlike snow crabs that are mostly used in braised dishes, blue crabs are used in diverse dishes. Braised blue crab is said to be the most palatable among various recipes.

Blue crab soup boasts of a deep flavor with the mixture of soybean paste and red pepper powder. Soy sauce marinated crab is so delicious that it makes people eat a lot of rice.

Gegukji, which is a local specialty of Anmyeondo Island, provides people with the special joy of eating flavorful food.

The Taean-gun Office does its best to help visitors have a good time by providing all possible safety measures and ensuring convenience in transportation.

You will find a day in Taean-gun a joyful experience with delicious blue crabs, scenic spots along the sea, and tourist destinations like the arboretum.

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