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Success in Securing the 'Asian Climate Action Summit'

Confirmed to be held at the 'Chungnam Carbon Neutral International Conference' this October

2024.07.04(목) 21:35:19CNnews(chungnamdo@korea.kr)

Success in Securing the 'Asian Climate Action Summit' 사진

▲ Asian Renewable Energy Growth Forum


Chungnam Province has successfully secured the hosting of the 'Asian Climate Action Summit,' which will bring together local governments, NGOs, and businesses from around the world, particularly from the Asia-Pacific region, to discuss carbon neutrality solutions.


The province announced on the 21st that the Asian Climate Action Summit will be held during the 'Chungnam Carbon Neutral International Conference' this October.


The Chungnam Carbon Neutral International Conference, held annually, gathers domestic and international public institution officials and carbon neutrality experts to explore leading policies for climate crisis response and carbon neutrality implementation.


Success in Securing the 'Asian Climate Action Summit' 사진

The Asian Climate Action Summit serves as a platform for discussing policies and cooperation strategies to expand carbon neutrality in the Asia-Pacific region. Last year's summit in Singapore saw significant participation from entities such as the Australian government, South Australia, West Bengal in India, the World Bank, Amazon, and representatives from various global central and local governments, businesses, and NGOs.


Governor Kim Tae-heum attended the 'Asian Renewable Energy Growth Forum' held in Seoul on the 21st, where he met with Helen Clarkson, CEO of The Climate Group. During the meeting, Governor Kim confirmed the final arrangements for hosting this year's Asian Climate Action Summit in Chungnam and requested active support.

Success in Securing the 'Asian Climate Action Summit' 사진


In response, Helen Clarkson, as the Chair of the Under2 Coalition for the Asia-Pacific region, expressed gratitude for Governor Kim's efforts. She pledged to collaborate to ensure the participation of leaders from countries including Australia, China, Japan, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Singapore at the upcoming summit and international conference.


Meanwhile, the Asian Renewable Energy Growth Forum, organized by The Climate Group, saw the attendance of over 100 participants, including Governor Kim, Helen Clarkson, government officials, NGO representatives, and business leaders. The event featured a keynote speech by Governor Kim, a signing ceremony supporting the decarbonization of the steel industry, and various forum sessions.

Success in Securing the 'Asian Climate Action Summit' 사진


The Climate Group, a multinational climate organization, has established a network with over 500 multinational companies in 175 countries, leading efforts in promoting renewable energy, decarbonizing steel, and reducing methane emissions to spread carbon neutrality.


Governor Kim Tae-heum, attending the forum as the Chair of the Under2 Coalition for the Asia-Pacific region, emphasized in his keynote speech, "The moment we are discussing the realization of carbon neutrality is a crucial time that will determine our future. Climate change caused by greenhouse gases is no longer a problem of the future but a reality we face today."

Success in Securing the 'Asian Climate Action Summit' 사진


Governor Kim continued, "The biggest climate crisis issue for South Korea is our reliance on fossil fuels. Chungnam Province houses 50% of the country’s coal-fired power plants, and high-carbon emission industries make up more than half of the total industry. Therefore, transitioning to an energy system and industrial structure with low carbon emissions is urgent."


He then outlined Chungnam's core strategies for carbon neutrality, which include △ establishing and promoting carbon neutrality policies △ transitioning energy systems △ transforming industrial structures △ ensuring a just transition.


Regarding carbon neutrality policies, Governor Kim stated, "Based on the Carbon Neutral Economy Special Province declared in 2022, we have established a basic plan for carbon-neutral green growth to achieve net zero by 2045. We have developed greenhouse gas reduction plans across eight sectors, including buildings and transportation, and are systematically implementing 11 detailed projects."


Governor Kim also introduced initiatives such as the Provincial Citizens' Economic and Social Organizations Carbon Neutrality Practice Expansion Conference, the implementation of a comprehensive plan to promote carbon neutrality in daily life, and efforts to reduce methane emissions by 35% and convert generated methane into energy by 2030.


Regarding the transition of the energy system, he acknowledged, "Due to our geographical characteristics, renewable energy alone is insufficient to replace fossil fuels in South Korea." He explained that they are pursuing several projects, including △ constructing combined power plants utilizing LNG and hydrogen △ developing offshore wind farms and support ports for wind power complexes △ installing pumped-storage power plants.


Regarding the transformation of the industrial structure, Governor Kim stated, "As coal energy gradually decreases, Chungnam Province will transition to a low-carbon industrial structure based on hydrogen energy."


Specifically, he mentioned, "We are working to install the world's largest blue hydrogen production facility, worth 5 trillion KRW, and establish the world's first 100% hydrogen power plant to achieve zero-carbon power generation. We are also advancing eco-friendly technologies through the creation of a hydrogen power generation special zone using green ammonia and the establishment of CCU (carbon capture and utilization) demonstration research facilities."


For a just transition, he emphasized the creation of a 'Just Energy Transition Fund' and the promotion of a 'Special Law to Support Areas Affected by the Closure of Coal-Fired Power Plants.' Governor Kim explained that the closure of coal-fired power plants is not only about reducing greenhouse gases but also addressing job losses and regional economic downturns.


The cost of implementing these four policy initiatives is projected to be 51.9 trillion KRW by 2045. Governor Kim declared, "We will pursue structural innovation that achieves triple benefits for policy, technology, and the market."


Governor Kim stated, "With the severity of the climate crisis being highlighted globally, the importance of implementing carbon neutrality by various institutions is emphasized. Central and local governments must set clear goals to reduce carbon emissions, and businesses must develop sustainable practices to cut their carbon output."


Following his keynote speech, Governor Kim signed a letter of support for 'SteelZero,' an international campaign aimed at decarbonizing the steel industry. 


In the letter, he noted, "As of 2019, the steel industry accounted for 30% of carbon emissions from domestic industries and 17% of South Korea's total emissions. Chungnam Province supports the efforts of The Climate Group and hopes that the SteelZero initiative will help transform the steel industry into an eco-friendly sector through cooperation with global companies, governments, organizations, policymakers, and stakeholders."


Following the keynote, a discussion on South Korea's Renewable Energy Roadmap took place. Participants included representatives from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Asia Clean Energy Coalition, the Korea Sustainable Investment Forum, and other NGO leaders. They discussed strategies for expanding renewable energy in South Korea and the roles of the government, businesses, and NGOs in achieving a successful energy transition.


Before the forum, Governor Kim met with Ali Izadi-Najafabadi, Head of Asia-Pacific at Bloomberg New Energy Finance, Esther An, Chief Sustainability Officer at City Developments Limited, and Helen Clarkson, CEO of The Climate Group. They exchanged views on energy transition and carbon neutrality implementation strategies.


Contact: Climate Change Measures Team, Climate and Environmental Policy Division

Phone: 041-635-4421

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