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충남넷 미디어 > 기획특집 > 영문뉴스

The Charm of Chungnam Tourism That Has Captivated Europeans

From May 5th to 7th, the province promoted the "Visit Chungnam Year 2025-2026" at the International Tourism Fair in Berlin, Germany.

2024.03.08(금) 09:34:13CNnews(chungnamdo@korea.kr)

The Charm of Chungnam Tourism That Has Captivated Europeans 사진

Chungcheongnam-do showcased the allure of Chungnam tourism to the European and global travel industry in Berlin, Germany.
To successfully manage the "Visit Chungnam Year 2025-2026," aimed at attracting 50 million visitors to Chungnam, the province participated in the '2024 Berlin International Tourism Fair (ITB),' one of the world's top three tourism fairs, held from March 5th to 7th.
During this period, the province collaborated with its Germany Office, which officially opened on November 1st last year, to operate a promotional booth and conduct tourism presentations for key buyers.
The promotional booth captivated visitors with a multifaceted exhibition that showcased the historical beauty of Chungnam, including sites like Gongsanseong Fortress and Nakhwaam Rock, as well as the province's modern advancements, such as workation programs that combine work and relaxation for contemporary individuals.

Additionally, the province engaged the senses of visitors through experiential events, such as sampling local specialty processed foods like 'Seocheon Gim Snacks' and 'Geumsan Red Ginseng Chips and Red Ginseng Yogwa,' guided by hosts dressed in Baekje attire. These events received an enthusiastic response from the locals.
Moreover, business meetings were held with global tourism-related companies, including the London office of National Geographic and the Singapore branch of TripAdvisor. These discussions explored further collaboration opportunities to promote Chungnam as a hidden gem of Korea.
Moving forward, the province plans to expand customized promotional programs for international tourists by maintaining continuous collaboration with its overseas offices in countries such as Vietnam, Indonesia, India, and Japan. This includes organizing tourism briefings and roadshows tailored to local audiences.
Song Moo-kyung, Director of Culture, Sports, and Tourism for the province, stated, "This year serves as the preparatory period for the 'Visit Chungnam Year 2025-2026.' We plan to develop various tourism programs and conduct extensive promotional activities. By improving tourism infrastructure to enhance visitor convenience and actively promoting Chungnam tourism, we aim to attract 40 million tourists next year and reach 50 million by 2026."
Meanwhile, the Berlin International Tourism Fair (ITB) is one of the world's top three international tourism fairs. As of 2023, it is Europe's largest tourism fair, with participation from over 5,500 companies from 161 countries and an attendance of 90,127 visitors.
Department: Tourism Promotion Division, Tourism Marketing Team
Contact Number: 041-635-3884

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