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충남넷 미디어 > 소통 > 전체기사

Everything about Buyeo shared with the world through SNS

Buyeo-gun operates “Love Buyeo Overseas Information Team” led by the private sector

2018.07.06(금) 10:31:14CNnews(chungnamdo@korea.kr)

Love Buyeo Overseas Information Team comprised of overseas students studying at Korea National University of Cultural Heritage and multi-cu

▲ Love Buyeo Overseas Information Team comprised of overseas students studying at Korea National University of Cultural Heritage and multi-cu

In April, Buyeo-gun launched the “Love Buyeo Overseas Information Team” comprised of overseas students studying at Korea National University of Cultural Heritage and multi-cultural families and started the “Publicizing Buyeo” campaign targeting foreigners through SNS.

On the 7th, Buyeo-gun appointed 23 members for the Love Buyeo Overseas Information Team and held a meeting at a briefing room in the office building. The members will introduce tourism resources and festivals of Buyeo, a World Heritage city, along with the local specialties including the “Ten Tastes of Gutteurae” through SNS, which enables instantaneous communication and publicity.

The members of the Love Buyeo Overseas Information Team were selected among overseas students at Korea National University of Cultural Heritage and members of the self-help group for multi-cultural families through application. These members will continuously expose postings through SNS to families, relatives and friends in their native countries and also to foreigners living in Korea, and thus are expected to produce substantial effects in attracting foreign tourists.

The “Love Buyeo Overseas Information Team will publicize Buyeo and function as a bridgehead for communication and exchange with people around the world who are interested in Korea and Buyeo," said an insider of the Buyeo-gun Office. "Buyeo-gun will organize various activities with which we can form a positive image and build trust as a city of history and tourism in the world."

As multi-cultural families and overseas students will be able to develop greater affection and pride for Buyeo where they live by voluntarily participating in the SNS campaign, Buyeo-gun plans to dedicate efforts to activating publicity, such as by organizing a city tour, in the second half of the year.
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* 충청남도 홈페이지 또는 SNS사이트에 로그인 후 작성이 가능합니다.

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