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충남넷 미디어 > 기획특집 > 영문뉴스

Cheonan Museum's 'Outreach Global Culture Experience Class' popular among students

Program supported utilizing Philippines Culture Box to 15 local schools

2017.07.26(수) 15:06:23CNnews(chungnamdo@korea.kr)

Children experiencing the multi-cultural global experience

▲ Children experiencing the multi-cultural global experience


The Cheonan Museum (Director Choi Yong-in) runs the 'Outreach Global Culture Experience Class' program, which consists in visiting schools in the district to enable students to experience and learn about the cultures and lifestyles of other countries around the world.

This program was organized to enable school students to experience the culture of the Philippines, including its way of life, festivals and clothing, by renting the Philippines Culture Box from the National Folk Museum, and was very popular among schools in the district.

The program will run from April 26 at 15 schools using the Culture Box. Starting with Cheonan Shinyong Elementary School, six schools have run the program so far.

Meanwhile, the National Folk Museum has developed and rents out the Culture Box, which is composed of experience and learning materials designed to promote understanding of the various cultures of Mongolia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Korea, Uzbekistan and Indonesia, etc.  

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