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Chungnam Provincial Governor Meets Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo

Discussion about the Development of Zambia's Agriculture and Mining

2011.11.03(목) CNnews(chungnamdo@korea.kr)

On February 9, 2011, Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo of Zambia visited Mr. An Heejung, Provincial Governor of Chungnam, and exchanged opinions on Chungnam's participation in the development of Zambia's agricultural and mining resources.

Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo expressed the nation's willingness to provide land for free to Chungnam if Chungnam's farmers were to participate in the country's agricultural development armed with their high-tech techniques and asked for Chungnam's interest and support for the nation's various projects in mining and water supply.

  Chungnam Provincial Governor Meets Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo 사진  
▲ Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo of Zambia visited Mr. An Heejung, Provincial Governor of Chungnam
After meeting with the Provincial Governor, Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo joined a talk with Chungnam's companies and farmers who were interested in agricultural and mining development in Zambia and asked them to take active part in the development of the nation's rich agricultural and mineral resources. Explaining the nation's agricultural conditions, major grains, and export and import trends, he also highlighted the feasibility of investment in its agricultural development based on affordable labor and vast land.


The farmers and the heads of the companies with an intention to participate in the mining development promised Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo that they would visit Zambia for field study after the meeting.


About Emmanuel Milingo

“I will apply myself for God and my next of kin” is the motto of Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo.

Emmanuel Milingo was born in a poor farm village in Zambia in 1930. He was educated in St. Mary's Presbyterial school in Chipata and attended the Kasina and Kachebere Seminaries.

  Chungnam Provincial Governor Meets Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo 사진  
He was ordained in 1958, and served as parish priest in Chipata from 1963 to 1966, when he founded the Zambia Helpers Society. He was the secretary of Mass Media at the Zambia Episcopal Conference from 1966 to 1969, when he founded the Daughters of the Redeemer. In 1969 Pope Paul VI consecrated him as the Bishop of the archdioceses of Lusaka, the capital of Zambia, as one of Africa's youngest bishops. He served there for 14 years.


He is a gifted singer, as well as the author of several books, including The Flower Garden of Jesus the Redeemer, recautions in the Ministry of Deliverance, Against Satan, The World in Between: Christian Healing and the Struggle for Spiritual Survival. He has had many books written about him, and has produced his own CD.

Archbishop Milingo, now 76, continues to celebrate Mass every day.

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