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충남넷 미디어 > 소통 > 전체기사

Wishing to Develop a Guide to Chungnam Suitable for the Globalization Era and a Medium Leading to International Exchanges

2009.08.14(금) CNnews(chungnamdo@korea.kr)

Sim Dae-pyeong

On the occasion of affluent autumn, I wish to tender my sincere congratulations on the foundation of ‘Chungnam, Heart of Korea’, an English Quarterly Magazine which is designed to widely inform overseas people of Chungnam Province.
Nowadays, the world is becoming a single market thanks to the rapid development of information and telecommunication technology. We are actively cooperating in various fields such as culture, economy and industry.
Upon this opportunity of the construction of the Multifunctional Administrative City, we have founded this magazine in order to widely publicize Chungnam Province which is leaping up to be heart of Korea.

Chungnam Province, thanks to its geographical location at the center of Korea, is the best place in Korea to lead the economic development of Korea. On the occasion of the era of globalization, we are reinforcing exchanges and cooperating with those from the five oceans and six continents. I, along with two million inhabitants of the province, sincerely expect you to visit us and invest in the provincial market.

I do hope that ‘Chungnam, Heart of Korea’ will serve as a guide to Chungnam Province. Your lively concern and positive cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

Park Dong-yun
I am very pleased to give my congratulatory address on the foundation of ‘Chungnam, Heart of Korea’, English Quarterly Magazine which is designed to provide various information on Chungnam’s culture, tourism, and international exchanges to cope with the 21st century in the globalization era.

At present, not only international exchanges but also the range and functions of local governments, private firms, and individuals have been so diversified that ‘the globalization of the province’ is expanding. Therefore, in this era of globalization of the province, we should positively inform our local commodities such as our local cultures, tourist attractions, and geographical advantages to the international stages so as to secure our local competence and improve our brand value.

‘Chungnam, Heart of Korea’, English publicity periodical, founded at present, has information about various hot issues like the history and culture of Chungnam, World Ginseng Expo 2006 and others, on which so many readers would like to reflect.

Again congratulations on the foundation of Chungnam English periodical and appreciation to the relating staff for their efforts to prepare the foundation.

본 저작물은 "공공누리" 제4유형:출처표시+상업적 이용금지+변경금지조건에 따라 이용 할 수 있습니다.
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