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Invitation seminar held for youth leaders of Korea and Japan

Taejosan Youth Center hosts invitation seminar for Japanese youth leaders

2018.12.14(금) 10:05:17 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

Leaders of youth from the National Myoko Teenager Center of Nature in Japan

▲ Leaders of youth from the National Myoko Teenager Center of Nature in Japan

Taejosan Youth Center in Cheonan (Director: Yoon Yeo-seung) invited leaders of youth from the National Myoko Teenager Center of Nature in Japan on the 23rd to share cases of and understand the changes in Korean and Japanese youth activities. 

This invitation lecture has been set up for Korean and Japanese youth leaders to come together, share concerns with one another and seek solutions for the promotion of youth activities amidst the ever-changing society.  

Mikio Oikawa, a Japanese leader, stated, “Youth activities that Japanese youth facilities emphasize these days are experience activities in nature because, if a person mingles with nature starting from their adolescent years, his/her sociality will be improved and it naturally provides education about the environment, which is why it has been focused on more and more in recent years.”  

After this lecture, the Korean and Japanese youth leaders voiced in unison that they must share the current status of each nation’s responses to the fourth industrial revolution and that changes are required for youth activities in line with the current era.  

Choi Gwang-yong, Manager of the Department of Education and Teenagers at Cheonan City Hall, said, “We will strive for Korean and Japanese youth leaders to consistently exchange with one another and be able to provide quality programs for adolescents in the local communities in line with the rapidly changing environment.”


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