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Where Pope Francis presided over the closing Mass during his visit to Korea Haemieupseong Town Wall, Seosan

2015.07.02(목) 11:35:16 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

Traditional cultural performances

▲ Traditional cultural performances

Haemieupseong Town Wall in Seosan is one of the best preserved town walls existing in the country. It is also the place that witnessed the 500-year history of the Joseon Dynasty and persecution of Catholic believers during said dynasty.

As a leading visitor destination in Seosan, Haemieupseong Town Wall is now seeing a large number of visitors -- about a thousand people on a weekday and 5,000-plus people during weekends -- following Pope Francis's visit in 2014.

Traditional cultural performances [e.g., jultagi ("tightrope walking"), samulnori ("traditional percussion quartet"), Daebuk ("great drum") Performance, etc.)] and Saturday market selling agricultural produce and local specialties play a part in attracting tourists.

You can have a good time engaging in diverse folk plays like gulleongsoe ("hoop rolling") or tuho ("arrow throwing").

The market selling good-quality agricultural produce (like fruits, vegetables, various grains, and traditional sauce) and local specialties directly to end users at low prices is also very popular among the people.

Haemieupseong Town Wall was selected as one of the top 100 must-visit places in the country by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism (MCST).

Haemieupseong Town Wall Seosan

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