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K2H for Learning the Culture of Chungnam

Chungnam Provides Foreign Civil Servants from 3 Countrieswith the Chance to Study the Culture of Chungnam

2009.08.24(월) | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

Chungnam invites 4 civil servants from China, Cambodia and Argentina and gives them ‘K2H(Korea Heart to Heart)’ training chances to experience the traditional culture of Korea and Chungnam for 6 months(April 16th~October 16th, 2008). This K2H training program is an international exchange program operated by Chungnam and KLAFIR(Korea Local Authorities Foundation for International Relations) since 2005.
The trainees are civil servants from China(Hebei province, Jiangsu province), Cambodia(Siem Reap province) and Argentina(Misiones province). K2H program trainees arrived in South Korea on April 15th and were trained in LOGODI(Local Government Officials Development Institute) of MOPAS(Ministry of Public Administration and Security) to learn overall life styles in South Korea. Now the training programs for them are going on about both the cultrue of Chungnam and OJT.
A providence official said, “From this year, Chungnam enriches K2H program by adopting Taekwon-do, Samul-nori(a kind of Korean traditional percussion quartet), etc. After this training course is finished, Chungnam will appoint them to honorary ambassadors for P.R and they will act as mediators between Chungnam and their countries on the basis of their goodwill for Korea and Chungnam. Eventually, Chungnam will concentrate to make itself well known to the world.”
Chungnam already invited 11 civil servants form China, Vietnam and Russia and gave them the training chance to intensely know Korea and Chungnam from 2005 to 2007.

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