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Going beyond the Pan-Yellow Sea, Korea-China-Japan, toward the center of Asia!

“COVID-19 confirmed that the lives of people around the world are linked. Global alliance and cooperation are essential for the peace and prosperity of the Pan-Yellow Sea.”

2021.01.08(금) 15:44:47CNnews(chungnamdo@korea.kr)

The 6th Pan-Yellow Sea Forum

▲ The 6th Pan-Yellow Sea Forum

The 6th Pan-Yellow Sea Forum took place at Splas Resom in Yesan ,October 29. This event, themed “2020, New Leap Forward, Pan-Yellow Sea,” was attended in person by Governor Yang Seung-jo, Chinese Ambassador to Korea Xing Haiming, Japanese Ambassador to Korea Koji Tomita, Kyrgyz Ambassador to Korea Dinara Kemelova, Special Advisor to the President for Foreign Affairs and National
Security Moon Chung-in, and former Minister of Unification Lee Jong-seok, as well as around 3,700 personnel including experts of Korea, China, Japan, and Denmark via online conference.
In his welcome speech, Governor Yang stressed, “The Pan-Yellow Sea area has exclusive potential for prosperity. Global alliance and cooperation are key to peace and prosperity of the Pan-Yellow Sea.” This is because 20% of the global population and 20% of global trade volumes come from this area; thus, the scope of cooperation in the Pan-Yellow Sea―where historic and cultural heritage had been shared between Korea, China, and Japan―should be extended.
The 6th Pan-Yellow Sea Forum started with a welcome speech by Governor Yang and a keynote address by former Minister of Unification Lee Jong-seok, followed by discussion sessions on the themes of “Peace, Prosperity, and Symbiosis.”
During the special session for measures to establish the peaceful process of the Pan-Yellow Sea, barriers to peace of the Pan-Yellow Sea and sustainability of cooperation were discussed. Subsequently, in the session related to “Prosperity,” the attitude of local government toward low birth rate and aging society, maritime ecosystem restoration, and cooperation measures using sustainable resources were discussed; while in the “Symbiosis” session, cooperation measures to revive tourism based on shared historic and cultural resources in the Pan-Yellow Sea and cooperation measures for public health and hygiene were comprehensively tackled.
First established in 2015, the Pan-Yellow Sea Forum had become an annual event for East Asian countries and local governments, going beyond conflict and dispute and sharing the vision for peace,
prosperity, and symbiosis.
본 저작물은 "공공누리" 제4유형:출처표시+상업적 이용금지+변경금지조건에 따라 이용 할 수 있습니다.
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