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Cheonan takes the lead in creating an ecosystem for startups and ventures

Complex startup park passed public contest... attracting 500 startups with KRW 83.3 billion investment

2021.01.07(목) 13:44:06CNnews(chungnamdo@korea.kr)

The old city of Cheonan in the Chungcheongnam-do Province will undergo a facelift as an innovative space that is expected to bring a second wave of venture boom in Korea.
From the public contest for ‘complex startup park’ hosted by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups (MSS), the Cheonan Station district was finally selected as the project target. The complex startup park is a project under the government’s Green New Deal policy to build a startup and venture ecosystem like Silicon Valley in the US. It is expected to become an open innovation base for startups where startup owners, investors, and universities exchange ideas and cooperate in an open space.
In order to select one complex startup park site for this year, the MSS held a nationwide public contest. As a result of providing a business plan that links with the urban regeneration New Deal project near Cheonan Station under the theme ‘Green and Digital New Deal INNOST,’ the Chungcheongnam-do Province bagged the “pass certificate” with the highest score in document screening, on-site evaluation, and presentation.
The following played a major role in winning the public contest: plans to revive the deteriorated urban landscape and build a startup town with residential spaces by linking the urban regeneration project of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (MOLIT) with startups and ventures. In addition, the highly competitive startup potentials and the accessibility of the Cheonan Station district played a supporting role in the selection of the project target.
By 2022, the Chungcheongnam-do Province plans to: invest a total of KRW 83.3 billion including the government subsidy of KRW 30 billion; create complex R&D facilities, startup spaces, and co-working facilities on a 17,639-㎡ land in Wachon-dong, Cheonan City; and attract 500 startups. The initial project targets are fostering 2 unicorn companies and 20 preliminary unicorn companies1) and creating jobs for 15,000 people.
“The complex startup park in the Cheonan Station district has completed all the site and administrative requirements, and it will be able to kick-start construction. We will focus our administrative powers to lead the startup ecosystem in Korea.” Governor Yang Seung-jo stressed.

Bird's-eye view of Cheonan Startup Park

▲ Bird's-eye view of Cheonan Startup Park

Silicon Valley, USA

▲ Silicon Valley, USA

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