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충남넷 미디어 > 기획특집 > 영문뉴스

Maritime Powerhouse Chungnam Creates 100,000 Jobs at Sea.

2020.01.03(금) 14:07:03CNnews(chungnamdo@korea.kr)

On October 10th, President Moon announced ‘New Chungnam Maritime and Fishing Industries’ for creation of a marine biotech & marine healing hub, building an ocean+forest Chungnam-style healing belt, construction of the national Garorim Bay marine garden, and creating 1,000 new companies and attracting 30 million tourists.
Chungnam creates future growth engines at sea in an effort to lead the country’s further development. On October 10th, Chungnam held a “Chungnam New Maritime and Fishing Industries Development Strategy Meeting” with President Moon Jae-in on the occasion of his 11th national economic tour in the lobby of the main building of the Provincial Government to announce its development strategies for new maritime and fishing industries.
The meeting was attended by more than 200 people including President Moon, Chungnam Province Governor Yang Seung-jo, Minister of Oceans and Fisheries Moon Seong-hyeok, National Assembly members, experts in new maritime and fishing industries, and fishers.
Under the slogan of “Chungnam, ‘the Future of Korea's New Maritime and Fishing Industries Industry’, Embraces the Sea,” Governor Yang announced the province’s development strategies for new maritime and fishing industries, emphasizing the fact that “Located in the center of the country, Chungnam is close to both the country’s capital area and China, while being the best place for fostering new maritime and fishing industries based on its infinite marine resources such as vast tidal flats.” He went on to say, “Chungnam will continue to seek a harmony between people and nature in the West Sea so that we can make ‘our life’ more affluent and enjoyable while enjoying robust health and happiness.
Specifically, Chungnam is planning to focus on the following projects: reversal of Lake Bunam reclamation; creation of Garorim Bay National Marine Garden; creation of a marine healing center; construction of a Chungnam-style ‘ocean+forest’ healing belt combining healing, leisure and tourism features in an integrated way; building a marine bio cluster; industrialization of marine bio hydrogen energy; development of marine ecology tourism; promotion of four-season leisure activities; and creation of island-based marine leisure attractions. Through the projects, Chungnam expects to create 100,000 jobs and 1,000 businesses, produce production inducement effect in the neighborhood of KRW 25 trillion, and attract 30 million tourists a year by 2030.
Ahead of the meeting, President Moon Jae-in met 50 businesspeople at Haemi-myeon, Seosan-si who proposed focusing on the following six projects for the province: (1) the designation of Chungnam Innovative City followed by the relocation of public institutions to the area, (2) the direct connection of the dual-track Seohae Line to the Sinansan Line, (3) the installation of the Cheonan-Asan station on the Pyeongtaek-Osong four-track line, (4) the construction of Seokmun National Industrial Complex-Daesan Port Lead Rails, (5) the creation of Garorim Bay National Marine Garden, and (6) the establishment of a marine biotech incubator.
Following the meeting, President Moon and Governor Yang moved to Chungnam Provincial Office and had a one-on-one meeting where the governor asked the president for government-wide support for reversing Lake Bunam reclamation and extending the Seoul Metropolitan Subway to the Independence Hall of Korea. 

Maritime Powerhouse Chungnam Creates 100,000 Jobs at Sea. 사진



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