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충남넷 미디어 > 소통 > 전체기사

Ganggyeong Fermented Salted Fish Festival

Warm Affections and Throwing in a Few More

2012.06.29(금) 16:20:20CNnews(chungnamdo@korea.kr)


Ganggyeong Fermented Salted Fish

▲Ganggyeong Fermented Salted Fish


Ganggyeong Fermented Salted Fish Festival is held in Ganggyeongsi every year, where one of the largest salted fish markets in Korea is located. Since 1997, it has served its role to increase reputation of salted fish from Ganggyeong through the country. One of the biggest attractions of Ganggyeong Fermented Salted Fish Festival is that you can save quite a money at a reasonable price after trying different fomented salted fish. Salted fish are generic names for the salty food preserved in salt such as flesh, eggs, and intestines of fish.


They have been developed in a variety ways since very early in Korea. Some typical salted fish are as many as shrimp, clam, turbos, large-eyed herring, baby octopus, and anchovy salted fish. They have been served as not only every day dish but also essential source in making kimchi.



Ganggyeong Fermented Salted Fish

▲Ganggyeong Fermented Salted Fish


Ganggyeong Fermented Salted Fish Festival includes various events to participate in such as making kimchi for foreigners, stacking up salted shrimp, running with salted fish container on the shoulder, making side dish with salted fish, and riding on donkey carriage. Along with it, a variety of events are held such as ssireum championship for salted fish, fall music concert in a ferry, and exhibition of fusion salted fish.

본 저작물은 "공공누리" 제4유형:출처표시+상업적 이용금지+변경금지조건에 따라 이용 할 수 있습니다.
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