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Pope Francis Visits Korea to give a Touching Message of Hope

2015.01.06(화) 10:15:21 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

Pope Francis participated the 6th Asia Youth Day held in the solmoe Holy ground during the Visit Korea.

▲ Pope Francis participated the 6th Asia Youth Day held in the solmoe Holy ground during the Visit Korea.

Pope Francis visited Korea from August 14th-19th. This visit is his first to Asia since he became Pope.

In an effort to strengthen the Roman Catholic Church in the region, during his five-day visit to South Korea, the Pope helped beatify 124 Korean martyrs (Gwanghwamun Plaza), celebrated the 6th Asian Youth Day (Haemieubseong, Seosan, Chungcheongnam-do), and held Holy Mass for Peace and Reconciliation (Daejeon).

He emphasized that we should keep in mind the poor and marginalized members of society.

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