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The great harmony of“the providence of Heaven, the energy from the earth, and human’s sincere care” Geumsan Ginseng

2015.01.05(월) 16:49:11 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

ThegreatharmonyoftheprovidenceofHeaventheenergyfromtheearthandhumanssincerecareGeumsanGinseng 1

▲ Geumsan Ginseng


The toponym of “Geumsan (錦山)” is short for “Geumsugangsan (錦繡江山)” which refers to a place with beautiful natural scenery. Befitting the beauty of its name, Geumsan county of Chungcheongnam-do (province) has another source of pride, which is “Geumsan ginseng”, known also to many as a heavenly gift.

Ginseng, an Herb Beloved around the World

“The sovereign medicine with miraculous effects”, “holy remedy”, and “elixir plant” are ginseng’s nicknames which were made to extoll its wonders. The name of “Ginseng (人蔘)” was given because it resembles a figure of a man.

The Korean peninsula in particular has been considered the birthplace of ginseng. Goryeo ginseng (高麗人蔘, Korean ginseng) has become a byword for ginseng from the time of the Goryeo dynasty, throughout the Chosun dynasty, and even into modern-day Korea.

In his book entitled “Noord en Oost Tartarye (North and East Tartary, 1692)”, Nicholaes Witsen, a mayor of Amsterdam in 17th century, described that Chosun had a special trade product called “Ginseng.”

Kosen, a Belgian author, mentioned in his book “Chosun (1902)” that ginseng is a special and unique local product which a Thai delegate gave as a gift to King Luis XIV in France. Ginseng is still a representative specialty in modern times and Korean presidents often give it to a very important national guests as a present.

Geumsan of Chungcheongnam-do (province) is recognized as the suzerain of Goryeo ginseng with a 1500-year tradition. With the ideal soil and climate for growing ginseng, Geumsan, in which about 80% of the total ginseng trade in Korea is made, is the true homeland of ginseng.

Geumsan Ginseng with a 1500 Year Tradition

It has been known that one man with the last name Kang at Gaesamteo (開蔘址), Geumsan-gun, Chungnam (abbreviation of Chungcheongnam-do) started farming ginseng. 1500 years ago, Kang was praying for his mother’s recovery in the Gwaneum Cave of Jinak Mountain at Geumsan.

A mountain spirit appeared and said to him, “you will find a plant with three red berries on the face of the rocks. Take it and boil down its root with sincerity and give it to your mother.” Kang was filially pious to his mother so he found the plant to make a medicine.

After drinking it, his mother was fully recovered and he planted its seeds at Gaean-ri (currently Seong.gok-ri, Namee-myeon, Geumsan-gun). This story is said to be the origin of Geumsan ginseng farming.

To pay a high tribute to Kang’s filial piety and Ginseng’s history, Geumsan-gun built Gaeshimgak at the place where Kang first planted ginseng and designated it as local historic site No. 1.

A Globally Recognized Herb, Ginseng with Outstanding Therapeutic Effects

Geumsan ginseng is usually harvested from July until the end of October. That’s why Geumsan ginseng is called “summer ginseng”. Ginseng produced at Geumsan features long main roots, which are hard and white.

As they are harvested in July when herbal benefits peak, Geumsan ginsengs are very rich in saponin and other medical effects in comparison to ginseng from other areas. It has been known that high quality ginseng boosts immunity, relieves fatigue, and has anticancer effects.

Some research shows that ginseng can enhance vitality and protect stress, while also lowering blood glucose levels and controlling blood pressure.

Ginseng has been shown to reduce the levels of blood sugar and the levels of stress. Aside from functioning as an antiviral drug, ginseng can improve learning and memory.

In “Dong.ui.bo.gam (Mirror of Eastern Medicine)” which is described as the defining text of traditional Korean medicine, Heo Jun (1596~1610) explains that: “the characteristics of ginseng are a bit warm, its taste is sweet, and it is not poisonous. It is used to supplement energy

in the five viscera (五臟: heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys), making you feel calm and stable. It also brightens your eyes and improves memory.” When you stay close to ginseng, you will get healthy. Ginseng’s medical benefits should be the reason why people love quality Geumsan ginseng.

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