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Delegation of Kumamoto pays visit in celebration of 30th sisterhood Anniversary

2014.01.02(목) 13:45:25 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

Delegation of Kumamoto pays visit in celebration

▲ Delegation of Kumamoto pays visit in celebration

A delegation of 68 people from Kumamoto in Japan visited Chungnam on October 14, 2013 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the sisterhood relationship between Chungnam Province and Kumamoto Prefecture, which was established in 1983. 

The delegation consisted of public servants, prefectural assembly members, leaders of business community and a football team, including high ranking officials such as Ikuo Kabashima, the Governor of Kumamoto, Satou Masashi, the Vice Speaker of Prefectural Assembly, and Kitajato Toshiaki, the Chairman of Japan-Korea Friendship Association.

The official visit started with a friendly match between middle school football teams from the two regions in the morning. The football team of Cheonan Middle School played against the team representing Kumamoto in the Cheonan Football Center. The lieutenant governor of political affairs of Chungnam, and Kumamoto Governor Kabashima kicked off the first ball to start the match. 

After watching the game, the delegation visited local cultural attractions such as Onyang Folk Museum in Asan and Sudeoksa Temple in Yesan. In the afternoon, they participated in a welcoming dinner hosted by the governor of Chungnam, in the Deoksan Resom Spa Castle resort. Participants from the Chungnam Provincial Office and the delegation had a lively discussion on the significance of the 30th anniversary and measures for future-oriented exchanges between the two regions.

In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the sisterhood relationship, Chungnam Province and Kumamoto Prefecture planted a tree of ※abiding friendship§ together on October 16.

The ceremonial event is assessed to have made a stepping stone for the two regions to join forces as members of the international community and pursue peace and prosperity in East Asia based on the friendship of 30 years.

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