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Life in Chungnam


Educational Institutions in Chungnam

Public education starts in elementary schools for kids from 6 to 11 years old in Korea. Middle school is for teenagers from 12 to 14 years old and the high school is for teenagers from 15 to 17 years old. For further study, students can go to colleges or universities from 18 years old.

Schools in Chungcheongnam-do

(As of Sep, 2021)

of Schools
of Classes
of Students
Kindergarten National 1 6 102
Public Independent 25 205 3,145
Annexed 349 512 5,758
Private 121 796 15,779
Total 496 1,519 24,784
Elementary School National 1 25 498
Public Independent 410 6,000 117,814
Annexed 10 21 68
Private 1 6 175
Total 422 6,052 118,555
Middle School National 1 7 171
Public Independent 141 1,890 48,438
Annexed 2 6 29
Private 42 411 10,751
Total 186 2,314 59,389
High School National 1 19 494
Public 80 1,666 37,858
Private 36 725 17,813
Total 117 2,410 56,165
Special School Public 7 177 921
Private 2 49 216
Total 9 226 1,137
Middle School
Public 2 12 285
High School
Public 2 18 493
High School for
Technical Training
Private 1 4 79
Other Educational
Public 2 6 45
Private 1 3 28
Total 3 9 73
Total 1,238 12,564 260,921

The number of students in other educational institutes (quasi-educational institutes) is included in the relevant principal schools.